how many weeks in a year ?
There are 52 weeks in a year is the correct answer.
Explanation: To calculate how many weeks in the year, first we have to find how many weeks in a month. There are 4 weeks in a month, So Multiple 4 * 12(months) = 52 weeks in a year.
how many quarts in a gallon ?
In United States, 4 Quartz is equals to 1 unit of gallon is the correct answer.
Quartz is used to measure the Volume. Quartz symbol is qt.
Gallon – It is a unit of liquid, equals to 4.55 Liters, also known as imperial gallon. The volume of the gallon is gal. In United States, unit of liquid capacity is equals to 4 quartz. In United Kingdom, a unit of liquid is equals to 4 quartz or 277.42 cubic meters. On the other side, 1 liquid pint is equals to 0.5 liquid quartz.
how many days in a year ?
There are 365 days in a year is the correct answer.
A calendar year contains days, and months. There are around 30.417 days in the month. To calculate how many days in a year, first we have to find how many days are in the month. So there are 30.417 days in a month, A Whole year contains 12 months. Let’s calculate now, 30.417*12 = 365.004
how many seconds in a day ?
A day has 86400 seconds is the correct answer.
To calculate how many seconds in a day, first we need to calculate how many seconds in an hour. A day contains 24 hours. An hour contains 3600 seconds. To calculate seconds in a day , Lets multiply the seconds in an hour * hours in a day , 3600*24 = 86400 seconds.
how many minutes in a day ?
The correct answer is 1440 Minutes.
Explanation :
To calculate how many minutes in a day , first we need to know how many minutes in an hour. So, 1 hour is equals to 60 Minutes. There are 24 hours in a day. Lets calculate how many minutes in a day, 24*60 = 1440 Minutes.
how many days in a month ?
The Correct answer is 30.4167 days in a month.
how many months have 28 days ?
The Correct answer is all 12 months in a year have 28 days.
According to Gregorian calendar, February is the only month has 28 days in a normal year, and 29 days in a leap year that occurs 4 years once. A week contains 7 days, and a month in day is calculated by multiplying 7 *4 = 28 days.
how many calories in a glass of red wine ?
The Correct answer is 85 calories in 100grams of Red Wine.
According to facts, there is only two colors in wine, RED and WHITE. Red wines are made up of dark color grapes. Red wines are rich in antioxidants, reduces the risk of cancer, improve your memory, and more. A typical red wine contains around 85 calories in 100 gram .
how many calories in a mango ?
The Correct answer is 60 calories.
According to USDA data, a mango contains around 60 calories, 14.98grams of carbohydrates, 0.82grams of protein, 1.6grams of Fiber, 0.38grams of Fat, 13.66 grams of sugar, and 83.46 grams of water per 100grams.
how many calories in steak ?
The correct answer is 271 calories.
Steaks are the rich sources of protein, and it is very nutritious. It contains essential nutrients like Iron, Zinc, and Vitamin B . A 3-oz Lean beef Steak contains around 150 calories, and 8 ounce of boneless beef steak contains around 572 calories in it. According to Forbes, Rib Steak is the most expensive steaks in the world, it costs around $3,200.
how many calories do you burn sleeping ?
The correct is 46 to 91 calories an hour*.
Burning calories is depends upon every individuals BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate). Some persons can burn around 50 calories, some can burn around 70 calories, and some can burn around 40 calories.